Our Infrastructure.
Torreón is located in the center of a logistics hub with access to the main borders with the United States, seaports on the Pacific coast and the Gulf of Mexico, as well as the Mexican domestic market.

Torreón is at the center of a logistics hub with access to the main borders with the United States, seaports on the Pacific coast and the Gulf of Mexico, as well as the Mexican domestic market.

It is located 1,126 km from Houston, TX and 617 km from Piedras Negras. In addition to this, it has access to the ports of Manzanillo, Lázaro Cárdenas and Mazatlán on the Pacific and Matamoros and Tampico on the Gulf of Mexico.

Mobility in La Laguna has been a key factor for its development, one of the best travel times in the country, with more than 80% of people taking 30 minutes or less to get to school or work.

Population and Labor Force

A thriving society of 1.4 million people and a skilled workforce make the region a land of opportunity.

• Women represent 51.20% of the total population.
• The average age of men is 35.5 years.
• 24.41% of the total population is between 15 and 29 years old.
• 8.03% of the population is 65 years or older (57,889 people).